

God, I'm tired.

It has been a long long week, and I cannot wait to get home to some quiet. Maybe I'll take a nap.

The weather today in Portland is highly schizophrenic. It was pouring rain not less than half-an-hour ago. Now it is blindingly bright. I expect it will hail just as I climb on my bike and head for my apartment building, where I will get off of my bike, sopping wet, or covered in ice, and tread up to my apartment.

God, the sky is unreal. Blue.

I have a friend who broke his foot skiing down from the top of Mt. Hood. He was going to lead a trip to the top of the mountain. The trip is still going to happen. I am going to climb. But he may not be able to go.

So this journal entry is dedicated to him.

Cheers, Henry!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on April 24, 1998 12:00 AM.

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