March 2002 Archives


Tomorrow is Amy and my 2nd wedding anniversary. We're going to the coast to celebrate. We're staying at Cannon Beach, actually.

We were going last year, but the burp in the economy came just in time for us to cancel our reservations and then beg a free weekend from some friends with a quaint (but not resort-like) condo in another beach town.

This year, fueled by a sizeable tax return (thank heavens for the lifetime learning credit!) and a considerable amount of freelance work, we're going to the resort we were going to visit last year.

The seasons are changing, too, and the weather might just be warm enough for some comfortable beach combing.

Coffee and palm trees

Today's my last day working full-time normal hours as a contractor for Story House Coffee. We're rebuilding the site completely, and I'm writing both front and back-end code to make it work.

Todd and Esther, who own Story House, are a delightful pair, quirky and smart, with a huge variety of interests and hobbies.

Anyway, tomorrow I start a 6-8 week contract position with another company that should be fun enough, but won't be quite like working in "the palace"--as everyone fondly calls the roasting room--right in the middle of a roasting session. Imagine customizing a web-based shopping cart with the roaster running (it smells so good!), with music playing as loud as we can all take it, with a fresh roast to taste every once in a while, and with everyone else packing up shipments of coffee at an outrageous pace.

It's a little frenetic, for sure. But in an odd way it reminds me of working at Flying Rhinoceros. Which I like a lot.

Anyway, other things are going well, as always. I'm a full-time freelancer now, contracting wherever and whenever possible.

Amy and I are also talking pretty seriously about moving to Florida, of all places. Fort Lauderdale at first, to be near Granny Varo. But then maybe South Miami, so I can go to school at a nearby university. Amy will be finished with her MAT by June or July, and if everything works out the way we'd like it to, she'll be the best new teacher in Broward County next year.

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