Back from the dead

Holy cow, it has been a long week since I last posted a journal entry.

For those of you who are wondering, the trip to Spokane was wonderful.

I graduated from Whitworth in January '97, and I actually walked through the ceremony in May '96. Two years later, sitting through the 1998 commencement, I was struck by how little some things change. The faces were different, but the ceremony was basically the same.

There isn't anything particularly wrong with that. I love going back to visit my school and seeing that the place hasn't changed much. A new building here or there, which is nice, but the trees are in the same place, the dorms look like dorms always have looked, and the professors are always glad to see me.

But the one small change--the changing faces--is the part that is hard for me.

Not terrible or unbearable. Just hard.

I miss the dear friends I met while in college. At least, I miss them in heavy concentrations. I know I will see many of them again, but there are so many people I love who I am not terribly close to. People who are incredible but who only drifted through my life for a brief instant.

That's the way of the world.

And in the drifting of the dearest people, sometimes we are touched, and that's really not too bad.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on May 21, 1998 12:00 AM.

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