Make a connection

Today has been cold and cloudy. Strange, considering the last few days have been toasty warm. But it is now close to 1pm and the sun is working its way from behind the clouds.

I'm working on the copy for a newsletter I maintain (paper!). I want to write a story about the huge number of festivals that occur at Portland's Waterfront Park throughout the warm season.

Instead, it's shaping into a feature on the Rose Festival. No worries. The Rose Festival is a worthy subject.

The other day, someone sent me an email using my auto emailer. She suggested that some people are just afraid to send email to people whose pages they are reading.

And I submit: as much as possible, I reply to every email I receive. I will continue to do so.

It would be so stupid for me to continue publishing this page if no one responded to what I have to say.

It's not about a desperate need for email. It's about connecting with fellow human beings. Drop me a line. You'll begin to understand, if you don't already.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on May 6, 1998 12:00 AM.

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Come sailing is the next entry in this blog.

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