I just finished programming a new database (I'm not a programmer, but I am a programmer... you'll understand if you keep reading).
I began learning Visual Basic last week, and I used what I learned to completely automize a complex relational database I also created last week.
In essence, I saved someone somewhere a whole bunch of money, and I'll be stuck if it doesn't feel really good to have finished a job with style.
(Begin totally blatant job-hunting message: Considering giving me a job? Just so you know, I also designed this entire site within the last four months, with no HTML or JavaScript experience, and no formal training. Survey says: I'm a quick study. But you'll have to offer me something really nice, because I like where I work now. End message.)
Anyway, I'm totally tired, I'm ready for sleep, and I'm going to have a long long weekend.
President Clinton is speaking at my roommate's commencement tomorrow, which I'll be happily attending. There has been a lot of complaining in these parts from students who didn't get enough tickets for their large families. But I have nothing to complain about.
I'm actually really excited to watch the Secret Service do their thing.
Maybe I'll even be able to see them pull out a gadget or two. Yipee!
Again, there have been a number of people who have been very kind about my recent loss of a good friend, and I am grateful for you all.
Have a stellar weekend!