To everyone who came by yesterday from projectcool, thank you for visiting! I appreciate that you took the time to look around.
And if you're reading this, I'm glad you're back.
Yesterday was an amazing day.
Today, Sonoko, Doug, and I are going to Powell's to get a Japanese book for Doug and "How the Irish Saved Civilization" for Sonoko and I.
I'm working steadily on a redesign of the British Isles Study Tour section of this site. I'm really excited about it.
I expect to release it for public viewing before too long, so keep your eyes open.
I'm also working on a new short story. But I'm in about second gear. It's slow going.
I may have lost control of it. It may have grown over by now. I hope not.
My girlfriend arrives this Saturday. After years of living in different places, we'll be living in the same city again.
We may rock climb on Sunday. She's "tuf" like that.
It's warm today, but the heat is receding.
So is the sunset. Every day the sun exits earlier.
I've got my feet planted firmly. I'm ready for Autumn.