It's been a good week again here.
I'm hoping to climb Mt. Adams this weekend with Amy and Dave. We don't have transportation yet.
Anyone know where we can get a car for a day?
Here in Portland, we are waiting for the end of the season.
We are well aware that one more warm week lies ahead. One more blistering heat.
And then, the winds will come. They will bring rain. Rain will cover the city and clean it, preparing for the coming of fall's elegance.
The sun gets lazier and lazier. The moon figures to spend more time with us.
I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to work on projects. Several redesigns and several stories are on the back burner. I know I've been saying that once in a while recently. It's just true, so.
I guess that's part of what I anticipate about the fall. Everlasting darknesses are perfect when you have projects to finish.
Books are read. Stories are finished. Warm drinks are brewed, blankets are pulled over knees.
It always seems like I'm depressed for three or five months straight.
But on the other end--when I look back--I see good things.