The coast as home

I've been better.

And I've been worse.

(Sounds like the beginning of a poor poem.)

Lars and his mother are traveling from Astoria to Florence, taking in the entire Oregon coast on the way. It has been a dream of hers.

"Das ist die Spitze!"

Last night Anne showed me slides from the Lars and Anne's tour of the west. I haven't been to many of the places they visited, so the slides were wonderful and new.

And then, when we arrived at the last two sets of slides, and the Germans pulled into Yosemite, I felt a warm sense of recognition.

Better still when they drove over the border ("Welcome to Oregon! Please fasten your seatbelt") and began their drive up the Oregon coast.

Rock jutted out into the Pacific. Waves crashed. Sand dunes rolled into the sea.

Cliffs dropped suddenly into the deep blue.

I was home.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on September 22, 1998 12:00 AM.

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