Loose October ends

It is a wet and cold night: standard October fare.

I take it as though I ordered it personally. "Please. The cold and wet. Yes, the October. Do you have that in orange, by chance? Oh, good. Next day air? Excellent. Thank you."

I am a satisfied customer.

My finger is healing well. (I feel obligated to let you know. Especially if you took a good look at it on the way in.)

It still looks horrible, but the pain is getting dull, and I expect that it will feel mostly normal by next week. As for what it will look like...

I'm tired, as I should be with less light.

But I'm not unhappy.

And I'm trying not to think about it too much.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on October 28, 1998 12:00 AM.

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