
There are clouds in my ears and windstorms settling into the small of my back.

The rain is gone for now. I expect that the evening will cool and the clouds will open again. So it will be a wet ride home.

It has been far too long since I stepped into the woods. My heart is sore for what is beyond the city, and my head aches because I have been listening to urban moans without rest for months.

So there are plans to snowshoe this Friday, plans to spend the rest of the weekend in hiking boots.

For now, the rain falling on my fleece hat is my inspiration.

I close my eyes and cover my ears. I dream I am near the ocean; I dream I am on the mountain.

My imagination will have to do.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on November 24, 1998 12:00 AM.

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