The rain as decision maker

It is wet in Madras, Oregon and our weekend plans are ruined. We were headed to Smith Rocks for a weekend of climbing.

But the rain is a special kind of gift.

My mother is celebrating her new job and my father is celebrating his new house.

I was trapped tightly between climbing with Lars and Anne for probably the last time (we have been planning this trip for months now) and sharing in these celebrations. I can be nothing if not both disappointed and pleased by the rain's sure decision.

The rain has decided for me.

So I will celebrate with my mother as she once again is given the title "reverend".

I will go to my father's new house to bless his recent marriage.

And when I find a quiet moment, I expect that I will turn my face southeast, toward volcanic towers and a small powerful river.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on November 10, 1998 12:00 AM.

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