
I'm climbing tonight and all I can say in this wet and beautiful part of the world is "Thank God for indoor rock gyms."

Not that I would choose a stuffy stinky studridden gym over the great outdoors, given the choice. But this might be the best time to remind you all that I live in Portland, Oregon.

It is a city famed for rain.

It is also a green and lush place, the kind of place that exists in most people's dreams.

Amy and I were watching a certain famed trilogy this weekend, and when we got to the last film, and the green forested moon, she looked at me and said, "I remember looking at that forest and wishing I could live there someday."

I looked back and said, "Well, some of it was filmed in the redwoods in California. And some of it was filmed in Ecola State Park. Here in Oregon."

"You do live here."

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on January 19, 1999 12:00 AM.

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