I give in and post something about Star Wars

I've tried to avoid talking about it, but I can't resist.

I just downloaded the four new Star Wars commercials. I already have both trailers sitting on a ZIP disk. When I'm in the mood, I just pop them in, and viola! I'm walking down nostalgia lane, remembering what it was like to be at the opening of Return of the Jedi, remembering what it was like to play with my action figures, to dream of being Luke Skywalker (though now I think he's a brat).

After watching the four commercials (a bit trite, if you ask me, but the images are fabulous), I'm left with one simple thought.

The Phantom Menace is at least four hours long. It must be.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on May 3, 1999 12:00 AM.

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