The weekend

Yesterday was my birthday.

If I owned a car, my insurance would have dropped drastically.


Lars and Anne came down for the weekend. We spent Friday night at Newport Bay (a floating restaurant on the Willamette River) hanging out with old friends from all over the world.


Saturday morning, Amy, Doug, Lars, Anne, and I went to Rocky Butte. I set up a bomber anchor with three bolts and a huge tree, and we climbed all morning.

I was expecting to fight for a spot to climb, but I think everyone was at Smith Rock State Park. I don't blame them. Smith is gorgeous.

At one point, Amy looked over and said, "it's too bad we aren't in the sun." At the time, I agreed.

But when we climbed back up to our cars, we popped out into the sun. It was hot. We decided that Rocky Butte is a perfect place to climb on hot days.


Doug invited a whole bunch of people over to our house Saturday night to celebrate our birthday. (Doug and I are twins, by the way.)

People stuck around until two in the morning, when we finally kicked everyone out and went to bed.


Sunday morning, Doug, Amy, and I went to church. After church, we gathered a bunch of friends together for soccer. Mike and Ashley arranged for us to play on a field near their house.

We are all a bit out of shape, so we were grateful that the field was half the normal size.


After soccer, Doug, Amy, Lars, Anne, and I went to my mother's house for a family birthday.

In all, it was one of the fullest weekends I've had in a long time. I'm exhausted.

And I'm content.


A child is born!


I would be crazy if I didn't mention at least once more that the portfolio has gone public. Take a look!

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on May 24, 1999 12:00 AM.

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