It is the middle of the afternoon in Newberg, Oregon. I grabbed lunch today at noon and then drove out into the (very accessible) countryside. There's something wonderful about working in an area that most people would consider rural. The commute sucks, but the scenery... oh the scenery.
The last few weeks have been outrageously hectic.
Amy and I bought a car. A brand new five-speed silver hatchback Honda Civic DX. We didn't get any special deals. We paid blue-book. And we're happy about it.
I started a new job on Monday, after finishing my previous job last Wednesday.
I helped Amy take a group of kids (rough ones, let me tell you) to the rock gym on Thursday. We drove a city van, which was nice. The kids loved climbing, and the day was a huge success.
I helped Amy take a group of kids (another group, even rougher) to the Children's Museum on Friday. This time, we used another of the city's transportation options: the city bus. The kids weren't excited about the traditional ethnic dance workshop (I was excited until we showed up and met the instructor, who I would nicely describe as "uninspiring"), and the day was full of fights, hissy-fits, tantrums, and utter chaos.
But now I am sitting at my new desk in my new office and I see the good potential of this new thing.