Before I stepped into work this morning a flock of geese flew overhead.

I couldn't see them.

At first, I thought one of the homes nearby was hosting an Iditarod team. I could see that sound: 20 dogs barking happily while their owner, bundled up against the crisp autumn air, poured food into one massive dish.

But I realized, as I was gripping the cold door handle, that they were geese.

I wanted to see them. There's something about that fluid V they form, something about the way their instincts drive them to work together, something about the relentless flight to a better, more hospitable place. It's only a momentary feeling, a slight welling up inside, that goes away quickly. I wanted to feel it.

I looked in every direction. I think I was closest to them when I was facing West. But there was a huge stand of trees in the way.

The icegrey sky never gave them up. And it was getting cold, standing there in my t-shirt and green corduroys.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on October 15, 1999 12:00 AM.

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