
Annemarie and Aaron planned a lakeside wedding, but the weather didn't cooperate. Instead, we packed snugly into the dining hall while the rain poured outside. Thunder pounded during their vows. It was absolutely perfect. Beautiful.

On Sunday morning, Amy and I had breakfast in Bellingham. We stayed in a B & B on North Garden street--a huge Victorian house with small (but quite comfortable) rooms.

We drove to Vancouver and spent the day tooling around the city. Amy had never been to Canada.

And we spent two hours waiting in line to get back into the U.S.

When we reached the border, the I.N.S. officer asked us the important questions:


 "United States."

"Where do you live?"

 "Portland, Oregon."

"Why did you go to Canada?"

 "We were in Bellingham for a wedding, so we dropped into Vancouver for the day."

"What are you bringing back from Canada?"

 "Some Starbucks coffee."

"Anything else?"


"Have a nice day."

We waited two hours for that.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on July 24, 2000 12:00 AM.

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