We spent the weekend in

We spent the weekend in Seattle, with Ryan and Heather. They invited Amy and me up to celebrate our year anniversary at Assaggio Ristorante. We dined there Saturday night, and the food was wonderful! It has been a good while since Amy and I went out for food as good, and it was a pleasure to be there with Ryan and Heather.

We took Ryan's canoe out on the water, through Montlake Cut and into Portage Bay. We were mostly looking at houseboats and dreaming of living in them. I had this clear vision of rowing across the bay every day on the way to MFA classes at UW. Not a bad vision.

It was clearly the perfect weekend, though I am a bit sore in the shoulders.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on May 21, 2001 12:00 AM.

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