So Amy and I have

So Amy and I have five kittens, about four weeks old, that need homes soon. Any takers?

They are grey, like their mother. Two of them have white strips on their faces, one larger than the other. One is completely grey. Those are the boys. Both girls have tan bits of fur spread across their bodies.

I'll have pictures up as soon as I can get my hands on a digital camera. In the meantime, I'm not working anywhere full time, and I'm looking for work. Check out my resume for more about me and my skills. Unfortunately, many of the sites I've built in the last couple of years are either changed (not always for the better) or temporarily (we hope) down. Nonetheless, you can get at least a good sense of my skillset if you check out the resume.

So, back to the kittens. We're looking for homes for them. We'd prefer places where they'd be inside cats, but we're willing to talk with anyone who is interested.

Oh, and they're totally adorable.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on October 16, 2001 12:00 AM.

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