hawaii or bust

So I've got this friend who is getting married in Hawaii in August. The happy couple lives in my old stomping ground, Portland, Oregon. My wife and I (though you all know this) live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

(By the way, YES, it's absolutely unbearable just about now. Hot and humid beyond human understanding.)

Though I doubt we'll be able to swing the cost of a trip to Hawaii this summer, I desperately want to go to this particular wedding. So I've been dreaming about it a bit, and obviously I've been trolling all of the ticketing sites for good ticket prices.

Here's the funny thing: It's cheaper to fly to Hawaii from Fort Lauderdale than it is to fly to Hawaii from Portland. It's no major discount--the price is better by about $50--but it's still kind of funny.

And it's not at all surprising. Fort Lauderdale is the "domestic hub" in South Florida. And from here, we can fly just about anywhere else in the country before flying to Hawaii. Going to Texas, going to Utah, going to Washington . . . from here, it's all pretty much the same. So when the ticketing engine revs up and starts looking for the good prices, there are more chances for (relatively) cheap tickets.

Anyway, it's still right up in the $800+ range, which is crazy. And in a month, I'll wager the price will double. Bah.

Maybe I've got a long-lost great great grand-uncle who will leave me a fortune in diamonds.


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