With family visiting this week, Amy and I are equal parts happy and tired.
This is, without question, the very best time to be in South Florida, even for a native Oregonian like me who spends most of his time bitching about how much he hates everything about it. It's all about the weather, since the other hateful things (namely, bad traffic, mean people, no mountains, etc.) are still pretty hateful. As a matter of fact, the bad traffic and mean people quotient increases twofold during the winter, since all of the snowbirds from the big northern cities are down enjoying the weather with the rest of us.
But let's set all of that aside and just revel in the fact that it's 78 degrees with moderate humidity. It's absolutely gorgeous, and the only thing that could make it better would be a huge natural rock face to climb.
Ed and I played golf a couple of Sundays ago, when they first arrived. We just went to the local executive course. It's nothing special, but it's mostly par 3s, so it was perfect for both of us. Ed--who historically is a very good golfer--hasn't played in a year or so. And I'm just no good at the game, even though I really enjoy it. I played surprisingly (and relatively) well, and I hope I can get out there at least once more before the heat comes back.