October 1999 Archives


Today is the birthday of one of the nastiest (and funniest) people on the web. Go visit Don and wish him well.

And on your way out, go see something blue.


The worst of it is that Amy is going home for two months.

And I think that's the best of it, too.

She hasn't been home in a while, and this will be:

1.) an opportunity for her to spend some quality time with her family before we get married;

2.) an opportunity for her to write her grandfather's book (which sounds wonderful--I do hope she can get it out of his head and onto paper. He's been carrying it around in there for some time now);

3.) an opportunity for both of us to miss each other, (That's a good thing. No, really.); and

4.) an opportunity for her to be spearhead the Kentucky branch of the wedding-plan task force.

In the end, it's very much the right thing.

Mike and Ashley's

Amy and I are at Mike and Ashley's apartment right now, after hanging for a while with three couples from church. I've just reserved the domain name for the church too. Today has been an "all church" day, which I guess isn't bad for a Sunday. Not if you're me, anyway.

This weekend was beautiful. They started and ended cold, but in the middle, both days hit 70.

Amy and I went salsa dancing last night. It was wonderful and hard, too.


Before I stepped into work this morning a flock of geese flew overhead.

I couldn't see them.

At first, I thought one of the homes nearby was hosting an Iditarod team. I could see that sound: 20 dogs barking happily while their owner, bundled up against the crisp autumn air, poured food into one massive dish.

But I realized, as I was gripping the cold door handle, that they were geese.

I wanted to see them. There's something about that fluid V they form, something about the way their instincts drive them to work together, something about the relentless flight to a better, more hospitable place. It's only a momentary feeling, a slight welling up inside, that goes away quickly. I wanted to feel it.

I looked in every direction. I think I was closest to them when I was facing West. But there was a huge stand of trees in the way.

The icegrey sky never gave them up. And it was getting cold, standing there in my t-shirt and green corduroys.

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