
"Forces of Nature" is not a good film to watch with your fiancee, at least not until the very end of the film when the guy... well, even though I wouldn't recommend it, I probably shouldn't ruin it for you.

Don't go see it. But if you do, don't go with your fiancee.

Amy and I didn't pick the film. It just happened to be there. And I guess it all worked out in the end. So.

Speaking of Amy, she got a job today! She'll be working as a "migrant educator" in a really beautiful small town about 20 minutes from my office. Perfect. It couldn't be more perfect.

Amy and I also just started to recieve wedding gifts. We're a little bit shocked, and a little more amazed. People are wonderful. They just are.

I haven't been sleeping enough recently. You know how that is, don't you? There's just too much to do in a day. I heard once that we'd all be better off if we lived on some kind of five-day week. So sometimes we're working in the middle of the night and sometimes we're working in the middle of the day.

Apparently, after all is said and done, you get more daylight time off, and your weekend is really really long. I don't know. It's strange to me that we're built to live and work on a clock that doesn't match the sun. That doesn't make sense.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on February 3, 2000 12:00 AM.

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