We're just back from our

We're just back from our weekly ultimate frisbee game. We play every Thursday during lunch, rain or shine, mud or grass.

Today we got mud, but the sun was out. And it must be just about 50 degrees. It couldn't be more perfect.

I always run up to the field where we play. It's really only twelve or thirteen blocks, but that's a good run when it's actually two runs with a game of ultimate stuck right in the middle.

I'm also not a wonderful player, but every time I play, I get a little better. Which is all I could ask for.


Three days ago, Amy and I took the stray cats we've been feeding since April to a new home -- a house out where Amy works, near a dairy farm and not much else. Now we're just hoping they'll settle in, get comfortable with the family, and live to a ripe old age.

At least they're not living under a condemned house with a family of skunks any more. But we miss them.


Oh! Today is just so beautiful!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on January 11, 2001 12:00 AM.

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