Cebollo (the kitten we kept

Cebollo (the kitten we kept for ourselves) is growing at an amazing clip. He probably weighs three pounds by now. At six weeks, he weighed just over one. He and Jota are getting along better than we expected, though there are times when she tires of playing with him and gives him a couple of good smacks to make sure he knows which Varo-Haub feline is boss.

"Cebollo," by the way, is pronounced seh-boy-oh (seh as in "set"). It's like "cebolla," which means "onion" in Spanish. Only we've made the word masculine. It's not a "real" word, but that's probably a good part of the reason I like it. We call him "boy-o" a lot.

The hunt for work is moving along. I haven't found something full-time to replace working at Rhino, though there has been a lot of freelance work in the last few weeks, and there are a couple of big contracts coming up. We're doing okay, considering the state of the job market right now.

Amy's schooling is getting more intense every week, though she's going to be on break over Christmas. She starts teaching her first class next week!

We're off to a post-Thanksgiving brunch at my father's house. I hope you all are well.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on November 23, 2001 12:00 AM.

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