The news from Portland

It has been pouring rain the last few days, and I mean it when I say "pouring." A friend said today, "it's 'Upstate New York rain,' not 'Portland drizzle,'" which is probably true, though I remember winters past when it rained this hard here.

It's okay with me, because I absolutely love the rain. But it does make it basically impossible to be very active -- at least, not when you equate "active" with "outside."

I'm supposed to run today, but it seems like I won't make it. It's too cold and too wet.

Actually, it's not so much that. More, I'm still full of lunch, and by the time my stomach is ready for me to run, it'll be dinner time. Lame excuse, I know, but it's true.

On the job front, I begin a contract next week that will last at least three months. Three months of regular paychecks. We won't know what to do with ourselves! If we can manage to live as "simply" as we've been forced to live this last half year, we'll be able to sock away a lot of money. Which would help if we go through rough times like this again.


I saw a funky version of "A Chrismas Carol" earlier in the week with my mother and sister. The set was spare and the script remained amazingly true to Dickens' book, which was actually very effective. I enjoyed it immensely.


And that's the news from Portland. I'm curious how you are. Are things going okay? Tell me.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on November 30, 2001 12:00 AM.

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