My twin brother, Doug, is getting married this weekend. We're leaving tomorrow to drive up to Seattle, and we'll be there until Saturday night. Amy's graduation is Sunday morning, here in Portland. So we've got a couple of 3 hour drives ahead of us, plus plenty of festivities.
Needless to say, I'm not sure how restful the weekend will be.
My PowerBook G4 finally arrived, and right now, I'm sitting in the middle of the park, connected to one of the free nodes provided by the Personal Telco Project. It's amazing. I'm just sitting on this park bench, between two old guys reading the paper, and I'm writing an entry for
It's nice to be here, too, because this is where I started my first real job out of college. It feels kind of right to sit here, on the verge of moving to Florida, enjoying the trees, the cold wind, and the dusky evening light.
I hope everyone is well. I certainly am.