So here's the worst of it: I have a broken collarbone and my car is totaled.
The best of it is better: it's my left collarbone, and I can still work, though I get tired easily, and when the pain is bad (which, trust me, still isn't that bad) I can't focus very well; the other lady has a sprained wrist and I think her car is salvageable (though I'm no expert); the accident happened right in front of the little church we attend, right after the service, so I got a level of post-accident care that was amazingly wonderful; my insurance is very good; we have a lot of wonderful friends.
It really could have been so much worse. I'm just uncomfortable most of the time, not in agony. The doctor said that I'll probably be well recovered in three-to-six weeks. Maybe climbing again in six-to-eight. I will most likely have a funny bump in my collarbone, but that's a small price to pay.