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cousinsThe cousins were introduced to each other for the first time last weekend. That's Aaron and Mercy in the double-long (noot noot), and Zoe in the front.

Aaron and Mercy live with their parents, Doug (my twin brother) and Erika, in South Central Los Angeles. They have good reason to be there for now, like we have good reason to be here in Florida.

Of course, that doesn't make it any easier that we're all living three thousand miles apart, especially when we've got kids who are close enough in age that they should probably be growing up together. Erika and I were chatting after they got back to L.A. and we were both commenting on how it used to be "painful but bearable" that our families live so far apart, but after spending time with each other (and especially with the kids, who are delightful) it's just "painful."

Not that any of us would have traded a few days together for "bearable."

I have a deep hope that someday we'll all be able to live closer together, but I'm also committed to living in-the-moment as best I can. And for this moment, everyone is in the right place.

Mercy, Aaron, Doug, and Erika, thanks for coming to see us. I still count it amazing that all seven of us could live comfortably in the same small house (along with our zoo) for five days, but we did it! Mee-nack for coming to see us.

1 Comment

We love you and miss you! Thanks for such an incredible five days. Mercy talks about you eight (Varo-Haubs plus zoo) constantly :)
It is uncanny that we have ended up so so far...painful, yes

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on September 16, 2006 11:30 PM.

Zoe laughs her head off at the chihuahuas wrestling on the couch was the previous entry in this blog.

Zoe gives a treatise on the nature of being almost four months old is the next entry in this blog.

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