Okay, so here's the bad news: if you've commented anywhere on this site recently and your comments are missing . . . well, they're gone. The problem is, there have been a ton of junk comments (they're comments posted by little scripts written by spammers, designed to post "commercials" in the comments sections of blogs).
I've got a pretty hefty sorting system that keeps the bad stuff out, but sometimes it's too strong, and it keeps everyone else out, too. I haven't been very good about checking through that list to see if anyone real has commented, and it's likely that your comments got lost in the shuffle.
If that happened, don't despair! Just go ahead and comment again, either by doing comments again on older entries, or by starting anew. I promise I'll be better about checking to see who has commented, and I'll approve any comments from any real people.
Again, apologies.
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