Immogen Heap's secret talent -- making uninteresting things beautiful

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I'm still at the Streaming Media West conference, on a break and preparing to make the trip to Mountain View to visit Lars and Anne. Just now, I'm sitting at a table in the middle of the convention center, very close to the wireless node that is providing Internet access to a pretty sizeable chunk of geeks, nerds, and geeky nerds in suits (the business types).

It's day two, the sessions weren't particularly exciting today, and I'm a bit worn down. So I just threw on my headphones and put on Frou Frou. Amazing! Suddenly everything is much better. Honestly, I could sit here for hours watching streaming media types walk back and forth from session to session without getting bored. That says something about the music, doesn't it? It helps me focus, and it makes everything more beautiful.

And that is beautiful.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy published on November 1, 2006 7:11 PM.

Streaming Media West (or, I'm a small fish in a small but complicated pond) was the previous entry in this blog.

A few quick comments on comments is the next entry in this blog.

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